Anonymous Audience Member, Naples, FL
Please contact ARTHOR von BLOMBERG if you cannot find an answer to your question.
The Gene Krupa Story Live Music Show is an on-demand traveling show. You can book the show in a venue near you for a fundraising event or other live show experience for your organization. Our show has been an integral part of numerous fundraising events for charitable organization of all sizes. Please contact ARTHOR von BLOMBERG for more information about booking the show.
It depends. There are no hard and fast "rules" as to how much The Gene Krupa Story Live Music Show costs to book due to multiple factors such as travel time, travel distance, lodging accommodations, band member specifications, rehearsal space, type of venue, etc. Please contact ARTHOR von BLOMBERG with your specific questions about price.
No, we do not hire the same musicians for every performance of The Gene Krupa Story Live Music Show. Instead, each show is tailored to each specific live music venue and the needs of the person or organization booking the show. Once we have all the pertinent details about the venue size, etc., show producer ARTHOR von BLOMBERG sets to work in finding the most gifted music performers in or near the host town to form a curated band for each performance.
von BLOMBERG accomplishes this feat by doing significant homework well in advance of each performance date. Once he scouts the "right" musicians, he provides a music score for the show in advance, and then sets up a local rehearsal space where he and the hand-selected swing band members can rehearse original Gene Krupa music arrangements, show timing, narrations, video integrations, etc. Please contact ARTHOR von BLOMBERG for more information.
No! We are proud to have presented The Gene Krupa Story Live Music Show in numerous venues around the world including Germany, Japan, England, as well as several cities in the United States such as New York, NY, Lancaster, PA, Naples, FL, Fort Myers, FL, and many more. You name the city, and we'll make the rest happen! Please contact ARTHOR von BLOMBERG for more information.
ARTHOR von BLOMBERG travels with his show throughout the United States and abroad; thus, WhatsApp is his preferred communication method for phone calls and text messaging.
Copyright © 2023 The Gene Krupa Story Live Music Show - All Rights Reserved.